Country: Guinea
Administrative region: Beyla (Prefecture)
Central co-ordinates: 8.53333 N, 8.91667 W
Area: 368km²
A(i)Site contains one or more globally threatened species, B(i)Site contains a high number of species within defined habitat or vegetation types, C(iii)Site contains nationally threatened or restricted habitat or vegetation types, AND/OR habitats that have severely declined in extent nationally
The southern Simandou Mountains have the second highest diversity of plant species in Guinea after the Nimba Mountains, with over 1,400 documented plant species and c. 40 threatened species, including one species globally endemic to Pic de Fon. Although the Pic de Fon Classified Forest has a management plan, there have been some oversights in the plan impacting on the plant species. A lack of on-the-ground protection and management has led to increased artisanal diamond mining in the submontane and lowland forest at Banko, the largest area of previously intact forest in the area. Mining and the associated infrastructure will have a significant impact on the vegetation of the area when it goes ahead.
The southern Simandou range of mountains is situated in the south-east of Guinea. It straddles the prefectures of Macenta and Beyla and is part of the Loma-Man range that extends into Sierra Leone. The highest peak, Pic de Fon, reaches 1,658m. It has species associations with the Guinea Highlands (Fouta Djallon) and with the Nimba Mountains. The ridges and flanks have a mosaic of submontane forest and submontane lateritic (ferralitic) bowal (grassland) with high species diversity, both of which are recognised as Threatened Habitats of Guinea.
The area has extensive iron ore deposits and a mining concession has been granted by the government to Rio Tinto. A Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) was carried out between 2005 and 2011 and was submitted to government in 2012. A management plan was agreed by the government in 2010, the area is locally managed by the Centre for the Management of the Environment of the Nimba and Simandou Mountains (CEGENS).
The Simandou range is of a similar age to the Nimba Mountains and has many shared species in both the submontane forest and submontane ferralitic bowal. Recent studies in the southern Simandou Mountains have documented more than 1,400 plant species including c. 40 threatened species, ranging from Critically Endangered (CR) to Vulnerable (VU), many of which will be impacted by the mining concession. The transition zone between the submontane forest and ferralitic bowal grassland has many rare and endangered plant species, such as Lipotriche tithonioides and Acalypha guineensis. The submontane grassland has a high species diversity with many endangered species (e.g. Xysmalobium samoritourei, Dissotis (Anaheterotis) pobeguinii, Rhytachne glabra, and Kotschya lutea). It also hosts the one and only globally endemic species to Pic de Fon, Eriosema triformum. There is also some high-altitude bowal with temporary seepage or swamp areas with Kotschya micrantha, Nemum bulbostyloides, and Utricularia spp. Some species historically also found in the Fouta Djallon and Simandou (e.g. Keetia futa and Habenaria jaegeri) are no longer present in the Fouta Djallon and therefore the Simandou mountains are the last refuge for these species in Guinea.
The Simandou Mountains represent a rift area of the early Proterozoic era, similar in age and structure to the Nimba range intrusion. The range comprises itabirite, quartzite, and other schists emplaced onto a terrain of tonalitic granite-gneiss, migmatite and sedimentary gneisses. There is a significant iron ore deposit along the ridge top which is in the forms of haematites and goethites enriched from long-term leaching and weathering processes.
There are several current threats to the southern Simandou Mountains. See below for further details.
The mine will occupy a total area of approximately 6,400 hectares (ha), including safety and security zones around the works. Within this area, a total of approximately 3,750ha will be occupied by the mine pits, waste emplacements, other developed areas, roads, and conveyors. The remaining area will not be cleared of vegetation but will be under the management of the Mine Operations team and will not be available for social or commercial use by the public (Simandou SEIA. Volume I. Mine. 2012).
A detailed SEIA was carried out between 2005 and 2011 to support a plan to minimise the impact of mining on all aspects of the environment. In the report, vegetation types are given a value based on specific criteria relating to distribution and diversity. Submontane lateritic (ferralitic) bowal (grassland), submontane forest, submontane forest-grassland (ferralitic bowal), transition areas, and high-altitude bowal with swamps are all labelled as high-value habitats. It has been previously proposed by Simfer/Rio Tinto that the forest on the western side and the area at Dabatini peak would be left as conservation areas. However, the current mine footprint will remove half of the known population of the Critically Endangered and globally unique Eriosema triformum. The status of the mine is currently unknown, but there has been reduction in activity since 2015.
There is a management plan in place which implicates community-led conservation organisations, Centre Forestière de Nzérékoré, and CEGENS, with support from Simfer/Rio Tinto. The total area under management is 16,887ha (66.9% of the total forested area). There is a core Protected Area with restricted access of 8,839ha (35% of the total area of the Classified Forest). There is also a ‘production zone’ of 8,048ha (31.9 % of the total area of the Classified Forest). (Pic de Fon Management Plan. 2010).Lack of on-the-ground protection from the managing authorities has led to increased forest destruction within the Classified Forest from artisanal diamond mining, visible via Google Earth imagery.
The TIPA will take into account that there is a mining concession within the proposed area, but that the mining company should work to minimise damage to the identified high-value vegetation types.
Charlotte Couch, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
Martin Cheek, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
Xander van der Burgt, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Species | Qualifying sub-criterion | ≥ 1% of global population | ≥ 5% of national population | 1 of 5 best sites nationally | Entire global population | Socio-economically important | Abundance at site |
Lipotriche tithonioides (Aké Assi) D.J.N.Hind | A(i) | Common | |||||
Acalypha guineensis J.K. Morton & G.A.Lavin | A(i) | Common | |||||
Kotschya lutea (Portères) Hepper | A(i) | Frequent | |||||
Garcinia afzelii Engl. | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Pavetta lasioclada (K.Krause) Mildbr. ex. Bremek. | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Polystachya orophila Stévart & E.Bidault | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Rhytachne glabra (Gledhill) Clayton | A(i) | Frequent | |||||
Dorstenia astyanactis Aké Assi | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Amorphophallus abyssinicus (A.Rich.) N.E.Br. subsp. akeassii Ittenb. | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Kotschya micrantha (Harms) Hepper | A(i) | Common | |||||
Nemum bulbostyloides (Hooper) J.Raynal | A(i) | Frequent | |||||
Milicia regia (A.Chev.) C.C.Berg | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Cryptosepalum tetraphyllum (Hook.f.) Benth. | A(i) | Frequent | |||||
Isoglossa dispersa I.Darbysh. & L.J.Pearce | A(i) | Common | |||||
Brachystephanus oreacanthus Champl. | A(i) | Common | |||||
Utricularia macrocheilos (P.Taylor) P.Taylor | A(i), A(iii) | Scarce | |||||
Entandrophragma angolense (Welw.) C.DC. | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Entandrophragma candollei Harms | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Garcinia kola Heckel | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Cola angustifolia K.Schum. | A(i) | Occasional | |||||
Drypetes afzelii (Pax) Hutch. | A(i) | Frequent | |||||
Copaifera salikounda Heckel | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Afzelia africana Sm. ex Pers. | A(i) | Frequent | |||||
Khaya grandifoliola C.DC. | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Pavetta platycalyx Bremek. | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Nauclea diderrichii (De Wild. & T.Durand) Merrill | A(i) | Frequent | |||||
Lophira alata Banks ex Gaertn.f. | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Anopyxis klaineana (Pierre) Engl. | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Gladiolus praecostatus Marais | A(i) | Common | |||||
Habenaria jaegeri Summerh. | A(i) | Common | |||||
Eriosema triformum Burgt | A(i) | Common | |||||
Xysmalobium samoritourei Goyder | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Psychotria samoritourei Cheek | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Mitragyna stipulosa (DC.) Kuntze | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Anubias gracilis A.Chev. ex Hutch. | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Dissotis pobeguinii Hutch. & Dalziel | A(i) | Frequent | |||||
Mikaniopsis tedliei (Oliv. & Hiern) C.D.Adams | A(i) | Occasional | |||||
Leplaea cedrata (A.Chev.) E.J.M.Koenen & Wilde | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Keetia futa Cheek | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Amorphophallus abyssinicus (A.Rich.) N.E.Br. subsp. akeassii Ittenb. | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Nemum bulbostyloides (Hooper) J.Raynal | A(i) | Frequent | |||||
Cryptosepalum tetraphyllum (Hook.f.) Benth. | A(i) | Common |
Lipotriche tithonioides (Aké Assi) D.J.N.Hind
Acalypha guineensis J.K. Morton & G.A.Lavin
Kotschya lutea (Portères) Hepper
Garcinia afzelii Engl.
Pavetta lasioclada (K.Krause) Mildbr. ex. Bremek.
Polystachya orophila Stévart & E.Bidault
Rhytachne glabra (Gledhill) Clayton
Dorstenia astyanactis Aké Assi
Amorphophallus abyssinicus (A.Rich.) N.E.Br. subsp. akeassii Ittenb.
Kotschya micrantha (Harms) Hepper
Nemum bulbostyloides (Hooper) J.Raynal
Milicia regia (A.Chev.) C.C.Berg
Cryptosepalum tetraphyllum (Hook.f.) Benth.
Isoglossa dispersa I.Darbysh. & L.J.Pearce
Brachystephanus oreacanthus Champl.
Utricularia macrocheilos (P.Taylor) P.Taylor
Entandrophragma angolense (Welw.) C.DC.
Entandrophragma candollei Harms
Garcinia kola Heckel
Cola angustifolia K.Schum.
Drypetes afzelii (Pax) Hutch.
Copaifera salikounda Heckel
Afzelia africana Sm. ex Pers.
Khaya grandifoliola C.DC.
Pavetta platycalyx Bremek.
Nauclea diderrichii (De Wild. & T.Durand) Merrill
Lophira alata Banks ex Gaertn.f.
Anopyxis klaineana (Pierre) Engl.
Gladiolus praecostatus Marais
Habenaria jaegeri Summerh.
Eriosema triformum Burgt
Xysmalobium samoritourei Goyder
Psychotria samoritourei Cheek
Mitragyna stipulosa (DC.) Kuntze
Anubias gracilis A.Chev. ex Hutch.
Dissotis pobeguinii Hutch. & Dalziel
Mikaniopsis tedliei (Oliv. & Hiern) C.D.Adams
Leplaea cedrata (A.Chev.) E.J.M.Koenen & Wilde
Keetia futa Cheek
Amorphophallus abyssinicus (A.Rich.) N.E.Br. subsp. akeassii Ittenb.
Nemum bulbostyloides (Hooper) J.Raynal
Cryptosepalum tetraphyllum (Hook.f.) Benth.
Habitat | Qualifying sub-criterion | ≥ 5% of national resource | ≥ 10% of national resource | 1 of 5 best sites nationally | Areal coverage at site |
High Altitude Lateritic Bowal Grasslands | C(iii) | ||||
Guinean Highland Submontane Forest | C(iii) | ||||
West African Lowland Evergreen Forest | C(iii) |
High Altitude Lateritic Bowal Grasslands
Guinean Highland Submontane Forest
West African Lowland Evergreen Forest
General site habitat | Percent coverage | Importance |
Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland Forest | Minor | |
Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane Forest | Major | |
Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude Grassland | Major |
Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland Forest
Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane Forest
Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude Grassland
Land use type | Percent coverage | Importance |
Extractive industry | Major | |
Agriculture (pastoral) | Minor | |
Nature conservation | Minor |
Extractive industry
Agriculture (pastoral)
Nature conservation
Threat | Severity | Timing |
Agriculture & aquaculture - Annual & perennial non-timber crops - Shifting agriculture | High | Ongoing - increasing |
Agriculture & aquaculture - Livestock farming & ranching - Nomadic grazing | Medium | Ongoing - increasing |
Energy production & mining - Mining & quarrying | High | Future - planned activity |
Natural system modifications - Fire & fire suppression - Suppression in fire frequency/intensity | Medium | Ongoing - stable |
Invasive & other problematic species, genes & diseases - Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases - Named species | Unknown | Ongoing - increasing |
Natural system modifications - Fire & fire suppression - Increase in fire frequency/intensity | Medium | Ongoing - stable |
Energy production & mining - Mining & quarrying | High | Ongoing - increasing |
Agriculture & aquaculture - Annual & perennial non-timber crops - Shifting agriculture
Agriculture & aquaculture - Livestock farming & ranching - Nomadic grazing
Energy production & mining - Mining & quarrying
Natural system modifications - Fire & fire suppression - Suppression in fire frequency/intensity
Invasive & other problematic species, genes & diseases - Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases - Named species
Natural system modifications - Fire & fire suppression - Increase in fire frequency/intensity
Energy production & mining - Mining & quarrying
Protected area name | Protected area type | Relationship with IPA | Areal overlap |
Pic de Fon Forêt Classé | Classified Forest | protected/conservation area overlaps with IPA |
Pic de Fon Forêt Classé
Management type | Description | Year started | Year finished |
Site management plan in place | Plan d’Aménagement et Plan de Gestion de la Forêt Classée du Pic de Fon | 2010 | 2030 |
Site management plan in place
Threatened plants species of Guinea-Conakry: A preliminary checklist
Peerj Preprints
IUCN Red List
Simandou Social and Environmental Impact Assessments (SEIA)
Pic de Fon Management Plan
Charlotte Couch, Martin Cheek, Xander van der Burgt (2024) Tropical Important Plant Areas Explorer: Southern Simandou Mountains (Guinea). (Accessed on 15/09/2024)