Country: Uganda
Administrative region: Western (Region)
Central co-ordinates: 1.26000 N, 30.97000 E
Area: 402.43km²
A(i)Site contains one or more globally threatened species, C(iii)Site contains nationally threatened or restricted habitat or vegetation types, AND/OR habitats that have severely declined in extent nationally
Bugoma CFR qualifies as an IPA under criterion A(i) as it supports globally important populations of four taxa including the Endangered Chlorophytum hirsutum and three Vulnerable taxa (Ancistrorhynchus tenuicaulis, Fuirena pubescens var. abbreviata, Mimusops bagshawei), and a nationally important population of the timber tree Leplaea cedrata. Biodiversity survey data from the 1990s record for a number of additional globally threatened species that may well also meet A(i) thresholds but these observation records require confirmation. Finally, this IPA also qualifies under C(iii), triggered by the presence of Critically Endangered habitat Lake Victoria drier peripheral semi-evergreen Guineo-Congolian rainforest.
The Bugoma Central Forest Reserve (CFR) is located in Kikuube District of Western Region, Uganda, and occupies an area of over 400 km2 on the top of the rift escarpment to the east of southern Lake Albert. The reserve lies to the west of the Hoima-Kyenjojo road and is bounded in the south by the Nkusi River which drains into Lake Albert. Together with Budongo CFR, it represents one of two major forest blocks along the escarpment in an otherwise heavily transformed landscape and so it is of high importance for protecting the remaining biodiversity of the northern Albertine Rift.
Although impacted by encroachment and disturbance in some areas, Bugoma CFR remains one of the most extensive tracts of mid-elevation forest in East Africa (Davenport et al. 1996). It is important for a number of range-restricted and globally threatened species for which this site can be considered a stronghold. The extensive forest areas are important for two globally Vulnerable species: the large forest tree Mimusops bagshawei and the rare epiphytic orchid, Ancistrorhynchus tenuicaulis. For the latter of these species, Bugoma is one of only two known sites nationally, the other being Ishasha Gorge in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The Endangered herb Chlorophytum hirsutum, an Albertine Rift endemic only described in 2000, is recorded from forest margins and adjacent open habitats. That species was last recorded in Bugoma in 1905, but it has not been actively searched for since and suitable habitat remains widespread at the site. The reserve is also the only site within the Ugandan IPA network for the globally Vulnerable Fuirena pubescens var. abbreviata, an endemic variety to Uganda which occurs in moist open areas such as lake margins; as such, suitable habitat for this species is limited at Bugoma.
Surveys of the tree and shrub species in Bugoma were conducted in 1993 and, supplemented by historical records, 257 species were recorded (Lwanga in Davenport et al. 1996). These surveys recorded several additional globally threatened species at the site but without specimens for verification, notably Balsamocitrus dawei (EN and endemic to Uganda), Aeglopsis eggelingii (VU), Cnestis mildbraedii (VU) and Rinorea beniensis (VU). These surveys and earlier records also highlight the importance of Bugoma for a number of timber tree species that are globally threatened or near-threatened by over-exploitation. These include several members of the Meliaceae (mahogany) family: Leplaea cedrata (VU), for which Bugoma is considered one of the most important sites nationally, Khaya anthotheca (VU), Turraeanthus africanus (VU) and three species of Entandrophragma (two VU). Lwanga (in Davenport et al. 1996) also recorded a number of nationally range-restricted woody species in Bugoma CFR including Osodendron (formerly Cathormion) altissimum and Dialium excelsum, but none of these are globally threatened.
Based on survey data for birds, mammals, Lepidoptera and trees, Bugoma CFR ranks as the eleventh most species-rich site, the fifteenth highest for rarity value and the twelfth highest for overall biodiversity importance within the Ugandan Forest Reserve network (Howard et al. 2000). However, much of this was based on faunal data and there is likely still much to discover botanically at this site, particularly with regard to herbaceous and undershrub species. The forests of Bugoma are noted to be considerably richer for tree species than in surrounding corridor forests (Plumptre et al. 2010).
The forest habitat itself is of conservation importance. Categorised as Lake Victoria drier peripheral semi-evergreen Guineo-Congolian rainforest, this habitat is Critically Endagered nationally is predicted to have previously been widespread in western Uganda, although it is now largely limited to protected areas. Bugoma is one of the five best sites for this habitat nationally.
The primary habitat of Bugoma is medium-altitude moist semi-deciduous forest (Davenport et al. 1996; medium-elevation deciduous forest in Langdale-Brown et al. 1964). Approximately half of the forest area is dominated by Cynometra alexandri (ironwood), whilst nearly 40% is “mixed forest” and the remainder is degraded or regenerating forest (Davenport et al. 1996). The forest blocks are separated by extensive areas of Hyparrhenia, Pennisetum and Cymbopogon grasslands that occupy ca. 18% of the reserve area (Davenport et al. 1996). An area of the western portion of the site has recently been given over to large-scale commercial sugarcane plantation following a land dispute (Okiror 2020; see Conservation issues).
The soils are mostly deep tropical red earths often lateritic. The site experiences two rainfall peaks in April to May and September to November, with annual rainfall being 1,100 – 1,350 mm (BirdLife International 2023).
Bugoma CFR was gazetted in 1932 and has been exploited since 1942 as a source of commercial timber, with several sawmills established in the twentieth century, although it is noted to be rather poorly stocked with good timber (Davenport et al. 1996). Timber extraction remains active and is an ongoing threat to the integrity of the forest if not carefully managed.
In a study using remote sensing data for the 30-year period 1985 – 2014, Twongyirwe et al. (2015) recorded a forest cover expansion of 0.5% p.a. within Bugoma CFR, although with some evidence of localised encroachment and disturbance some of which may be attributable to managed forestry. However, significant forest losses from outside of the reserve boundary were recorded over the same time-period with an overall forest cover loss of 10.7% in the wider Northern Albertine Rift landscape (Murchison Falls NP to Bugoma), including corridors connecting Bugoma to other forest patches that have previously been noted as of importance for biodiversity (Plumptre et al. 2010). This has resulted in Bugoma Forest becoming more isolated, with little connectivity to other sizable forest areas. Expansion of small-scale farming and shifting cultivation are the major causes of forest losses around the reserve, and as these areas are exhausted the threat of encroachment into the reserve increases. This may be exacerbated by immigration into the area following the discovery of oil in the Lake Albert basin. Further, expansion of the Kyangwali refugee settlement site near the southwest portion of Bugoma in the late 2010s has also had an impact upon the reserve. The population of this site increased from ca. 37,000 in 2017 to over 128,000 by 2021, resulting in increased agricultural encroachment and tree cutting for firewood, charcoal and construction materials in the adjacent block of Bugoma CFR (Medius 2022).
Areas of commercial sugar and tea plantations and tobacco cultivation are also recorded along some borders (BirdLife International 2023), and in 2020 a 900 ha portion of the Reserve was given over to sugarcane plantation, having been claimed by the kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara as ancestral land and subsequently leased to the Hoima Sugar Company Ltd (Okiror 2020). The resultant destruction of a large forest area is clearly visible on satellite imagery (Google Earth Pro 2023).
Bugoma CFR is a Key Biodiversity Area, triggered by four faunal species - three mammals and one bird (Plumptre et al. 2017), including the highest recorded densities of the Endangered Nahan’s Francolin(Ptilopachus nahani) in Uganda (BirdLife International 2023). Lepidoptera are also noted to be particularly diverse at Bugoma (Davenport et al. 1996).
As an extensive area of largely intact forest and grassland habitat within an otherwise intensively agriculturalised landscape, Bugoma is a key refuge for biodiversity and the key provisioning, regulatory and supporting services that this provides. Given its position on the edge of the rift escarpment, this site is likely to be of importance for protecting soil and water resources and is also a significant carbon sink (Plumptre et al. 2010).
In addition to timber extraction both on a commercial and subsistence scale, some local hunting for bushmeat and harvesting of plants for medicines are noted at Bugoma, whilst the rattan Calamus deeratus was previously commercially exploited for furniture making but this has now ceased (Davenport et al. 1996).
The site has some potential as an ecotourism destination but it is less accessible than the more famous Budongo CFR and so is not well visited at present.
Iain Darbyshire, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Sophie Richards, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Species | Qualifying sub-criterion | ≥ 1% of global population | ≥ 5% of national population | 1 of 5 best sites nationally | Entire global population | Socio-economically important | Abundance at site |
Chlorophytum hirsutum A.D.Poulsen & Nordal | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Fuirena pubescens (Poir.) Kunth var. abbreviata Lye | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Mimusops bagshawei S.Moore | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Ancistrorhynchus tenuicaulis Orchidaceae | A(i) | Scarce | |||||
Leplaea cedrata (A.Chev.) E.J.M.Koenen & Wilde | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkman | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Khaya anthotheca (Welw.) C.DC. | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Aeglopsis eggelingii M.Taylor | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Balsamocitrus dawei Stapf | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Entandrophragma cylindricum (Sprague) Sprague | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Entandrophragma utile (Dawe & Sprague) Sprague | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Turraeanthus africana (Welw. ex C.DC.) Pellegr. | A(i) | Unknown | |||||
Rinorea beniensis Engl. | A(i) | Unknown |
Chlorophytum hirsutum A.D.Poulsen & Nordal
Fuirena pubescens (Poir.) Kunth var. abbreviata Lye
Mimusops bagshawei S.Moore
Ancistrorhynchus tenuicaulis Orchidaceae
Leplaea cedrata (A.Chev.) E.J.M.Koenen & Wilde
Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkman
Khaya anthotheca (Welw.) C.DC.
Aeglopsis eggelingii M.Taylor
Balsamocitrus dawei Stapf
Entandrophragma cylindricum (Sprague) Sprague
Entandrophragma utile (Dawe & Sprague) Sprague
Turraeanthus africana (Welw. ex C.DC.) Pellegr.
Rinorea beniensis Engl.
Habitat | Qualifying sub-criterion | ≥ 5% of national resource | ≥ 10% of national resource | 1 of 5 best sites nationally | Areal coverage at site |
Lake Victoria drier peripheral semi-evergreen Guineo-Congolian rainforest (CR) | C(iii) | 317 |
Lake Victoria drier peripheral semi-evergreen Guineo-Congolian rainforest (CR)
General site habitat | Percent coverage | Importance |
Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland Forest | Major | |
Savanna - Moist Savanna | Minor | |
Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry Lowland Grassland | Minor | |
Artificial - Terrestrial - Subtropical/Tropical Heavily Degraded Former Forest | Minor | |
Artificial - Terrestrial - Arable Land | Minor |
Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland Forest
Savanna - Moist Savanna
Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry Lowland Grassland
Artificial - Terrestrial - Subtropical/Tropical Heavily Degraded Former Forest
Artificial - Terrestrial - Arable Land
Land use type | Percent coverage | Importance |
Nature conservation | Major | |
Forestry | Major | |
Agriculture (arable) | Minor | |
Tourism / Recreation | Minor | |
Harvesting of wild resources | Minor |
Nature conservation
Agriculture (arable)
Tourism / Recreation
Harvesting of wild resources
Threat | Severity | Timing |
Agriculture & aquaculture - Annual & perennial non-timber crops - Shifting agriculture | Medium | Ongoing - increasing |
Agriculture & aquaculture - Annual & perennial non-timber crops - Small-holder farming | Medium | Ongoing - increasing |
Agriculture & aquaculture - Annual & perennial non-timber crops - Agro-industry farming | Medium | Ongoing - increasing |
Biological resource use - Logging & wood harvesting | Medium | Ongoing - trend unknown |
Biological resource use - Gathering terrestrial plants | Low | Ongoing - increasing |
Natural system modifications - Fire & fire suppression - Increase in fire frequency/intensity | Unknown | Ongoing - increasing |
Agriculture & aquaculture - Annual & perennial non-timber crops - Shifting agriculture
Agriculture & aquaculture - Annual & perennial non-timber crops - Small-holder farming
Agriculture & aquaculture - Annual & perennial non-timber crops - Agro-industry farming
Biological resource use - Logging & wood harvesting
Biological resource use - Gathering terrestrial plants
Natural system modifications - Fire & fire suppression - Increase in fire frequency/intensity
Protected area name | Protected area type | Relationship with IPA | Areal overlap |
Bugoma Central Forest Reserve | Forest Reserve (conservation) | protected/conservation area matches IPA |
Bugoma Central Forest Reserve
Designation name | Protected area | Relationship with IPA | Areal overlap |
Bugoma Forest Reserve | Key Biodiversity Area | protected/conservation area matches IPA | |
Bugoma Central Forest Reserve | Important Bird Area | protected/conservation area matches IPA |
Bugoma Forest Reserve
Bugoma Central Forest Reserve
Management type | Description | Year started | Year finished |
Site management plan in place |
Site management plan in place
Conservation of vertebrates and plants in Uganda: Identifying Key Biodiversity Areas and other sites of national importance
Conservation Science and Practice, Vol 1, page(s) 1-12 Available online
Three decades of forest cover change in Uganda’s Northern Albertine Rift Landscape
Land Use Policy, Vol 49, page(s) 236–251 Available online
Google Earth Pro 2023
Biodiversity surveys of Bugoma forest reserve, smaller central forest reserves, and corridor forests south of Bugoma. Report for project UG0031.01: Conservation of Biodiversity in the Albertine Rift Forests of Uganda.
The effect of refugee population influx on plant diversity of Bugoma Forest, Uganda.
Protected area planning in the tropics: Uganda's national system of Forest Nature Reserves.
Conservation Biology, Vol 14, page(s) 858 – 875
Important Bird Areas factsheet: Bugoma Central Forest Reserve.
Bugoma Forest Reserve: Biodiversity report.
'A shame for the world': Uganda's fragile forest ecosystem destroyed for sugar.
Iain Darbyshire, Sophie Richards (2024) Tropical Important Plant Areas Explorer: Bugoma Central Forest Reserve (Uganda). (Accessed on 15/09/2024)